SaaS Savings Calculator

78% of companies overspend by up to 35% on SaaS.

Are you one of them? Benchmark your software costs against over $2 billion in managed spend to find out.

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Speak to a SaaS pricing expert about saving on software and turning procurement into your competitive advantage.

G2 - 2022 Momentum & Mid-Market Leader
Loved by hundreds of companies around the world:
Time saved on negotiations
$2 billion+
managed SaaS spend
Return of Invesment
Forecast your future SaaS spend

Access our database of $2B+ in benchmarked SaaS spend.

“Having already reduced IT operating costs by 20% through various initiatives since I started at Nexxiot, working with Sastrify still proved to be a useful addition, especially in the area of cloud infrastructure.”

Nexxiot Head of IT Operations & InfoSec, Fabian Gunther
Saved on top 2 tools
Total savings
4.5X ROI
Achieved with Sastrify
Read the Full Story

What does cutting your SaaS costs by up to 35% look like?


Centralize and automate your tech stack

Take stock of your business needs, centralize and rationalize your SaaS portfolio, and cut all redundancies before setting up smart workflows and collaborating on a long-term success plan.


Discover and request new solutions

Discover, buy, and renew your SaaS solutions from a single dashboard. Our pricing benchmark database built on $2B+ in SaaS spend helps you make comparisons in seconds and save up to 10+ hours per deal.


Secure the best contracts, every single time

Whether you’re handling your own negotiations or giving our team the wheel entirely, you’ll know exactly what discounts to expect and receive as much (or as little) support as you need.

Get started today

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Sastrify work?

We cover three scenarios on your behalf:

1. We onboard your current SaaS tool landscape and reveal full-stack transparency with a comprehensive overview. Additionally, we benchmark your existing landscape to identify quick wins and initial savings potential.
2. We take care of all renewals that come up, make sure you don't miss them, benchmark the tools and cover the entire vendor negotiations for you.
3. We recommend new tools for you based on real-life experiences from top-tier customers such as Babbel, Sennder, Scalable Capital, and many more. Afterwards, we take care of the entire vendor negotiation part and make sure you buy licenses for the right price.

Is Sastrify a SaaS management tool?

Not quite! While SaaS management helps you mainly with the on/off-boarding of licenses and brings transparency to your tool landscape, Sastrify does more than that. We are here to ensure you get your tools at the best price possible and to save you significant money on your contracts. Once you are onboarded, we thoroughly analyze your contracts to identify savings potential or redundant vendors.

What can Sastrify do for me?

Sastrify is your one-stop shop for all SaaS subscriptions, meaning we handle the entire life cycle of a SaaS tool. With our platform, you can have a clear overview of your SaaS landscape to seamlessly manage contracts, identify potential savings, and discover new tools. Additionally, we take over the tiresome task of vendor negotiation and management. No more emails, calls, or demos as our team does everything for you. Using our data pool, we bring you the best deals possible. We already have more than $1 Billion in SaaS spend on our platform.

What’s the onboarding like?

Our onboarding is easy: Within a 30-minute call, we align on the most urgent topics and discuss additional input we might need from your end. Then you are all set! Moving forward, we will check in with you once or twice a month for general feedback.

What do I need to get started?

All we need is your SaaS stack in a spreadsheet or an accounting export. We import the data for you or connect directly to your spend management tool — if integrated.

How does your pricing work? 

Sastrify takes a flat fee per month billed annually, independent of how many subscriptions you upload or how many users you invite. The fee itself depends on your total annual SaaS spend. Find all information on pricing here.

How are savings calculated?

For new subscriptions and renewals or upgrades, we always take the delta between the first offer you received vs. what we negotiated after stepping in. For existing tools, we compare your current price vs. what we negotiate. We later consistently examine your contract value and improvement rate before and after Sastrify.