The collaborative SaaS procurement platform
for teams that care about transparency.

Meet Sastrify, the agile SaaS procurement platform that helps high-growth businesses automate and save up to 7-figures on their software costs.

Why should you buy and manage your SaaS with Sastrify?

With everyone else:

  • laas management sold separately
  • Unclear year 2 renewal pricing
  • SaaS buying support from salespeople
  • Stress over contract negotiations

After Sastrify

  • SaaS and laas managed together
  • Long-term pricing transparency
  • Buying support from procurement experts
  • Unlimited negotiation support
Loved by hundreds of companies around the world:
A SaaS Procurement Platform You Can Trust
No Contract Size Limits
Get complete coverage for contracts of all sizes.
Neutral Vendor Recommendations
Get impartial analyses &  recommendations.
International Presence
Enjoy multilingual support across the EU and USA.
What makes Sastrify special?
Centralize & keep track of your SaaS
Stop combing through spreadsheets and consolidating multiple resources. Create a single source of truth for all of your SaaS subscriptions and renewals.
Solution discovery and analysis
Considering new software? Simply upload it to your dashboard and our team will instantly begin supporting the discovery process.
Done-for-you negotiation
Unleash our international team of procurement experts to secure the best SaaS contracts in the market & save 5-10 hours per negotiation.
Instant software activation
Unlock immediate access to new solutions and stay ahead of your competition by minimizing the lag time between decision and execution.
Julius Köhler
Co-Founder & Managing Director

“We generated an ROI that is over 15X of our investment.”

Tobias Wiest
Chief Business Officer

“Since working with Sastrify, we’ve learned a lot about procurement and how to negotiate with vendors. It’s helping us build our expertise, and we feel more empowered to apply these negotiation strategies ourselves.”

Free up cash now and pay later
Take advantage of flexible financing options that make sense for your business and budget. Free up cash now and pay only when you save.
Get complete transparency
Our collaborative approach to SaaS makes it possible for you to see, on a granular level, exactly how we’re reducing your SaaS spend before we take action.
Ready to save on SaaS?
See Sastrify in action to find out how high-growth teams are cutting their SaaS costs, streamlining procurement, and achieving up to 15X ROI.
Get started today